
Reliable and professional help

For women of all ages

Meditsiinitöötaja nõustab patsienti


to the Women’s Clinic!

We are one of the main gynaecology clinics in Tallinn and Estonia. Our team includes the Centre of Gynaecology, the Breast Centre, the Centre for Infertility Treatment, and the largest and oldest maternity hospital in Estonia.

Hospital Visiting Hours





Clinic is located

in block B of the Ravi tn unit – Ravi tn 18

Magdaleena Outpatient Clinic – Pärnu mnt 104

Tõnismäe Unit – Hariduse tn 6

Registration and information desk

666 1900

Schedule an appointment!
scheduling, changing, and cancelling an appointment, and additional questions.

Emergency appointment with a gynaecologist

Additional information
same day appointment Mon–Thu in the case of an urgent gynaecological problem. To make an appointment, call 666 1900 in the morning.

Emergency care (24/7)

5308 0874

Emergency gynecological care
If you have an emergency gynaecological or gestational problem, contact the Women’s Clinic reception room at Ravi 18, block B.

We offer


Contraception counselling

The use of contraception or birth control is necessary to avoid unwanted pregnancy and termination of pregnancy.

Contraception counselling

Midwife’s home visit service

The midwife’s home visit service is available to all women who have given birth in our hospital and live within 30 km.

Midwife’s home visit service

Cervical cancer screening

The data for the past five years show that cervical cancer is the second most common gynaecological malignancy in Estonia.

Cervical cancer screening

Appointment with a midwife during pregnancy planning

Pregnancy planning counselling is a free service offered by the Women’s Clinic, where women planning to become pregnant are welcome, both alone and with their partner.

Appointment with a midwife during pregnancy planning

Emergency appointment with a gynaecologist

At the Women’s Clinic you can make an emergency same-day appointment with a gynaecologist, from Monday–Thursday, by calling 666 1900.

Emergency appointment with a gynaecologist

Personal midwife

If you want, you can request a personal preferred midwife, gynaecologist or a paediatrician present at your childbirth.

Personal midwife

Breastfeeding counseling

You are welcome to visit us for breastfeeding consulting with all questions related to breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding counseling

Post-delivery appointment with the midwife

1,5-2 months after the delivery, you need to see the midwife for a post-delivery check-up.

Post-delivery appointment with the midwife

Psychological counseling during pregnancy and postpartum

Pregnancy and the postpartum period are important times for you and your baby but can sometimes pose a great challenge that requires support and courage.

Psychological counseling during pregnancy and postpartum

Emergency reception for pregnant women

With an emergency problem during pregnancy you may turn to the emergency room at the women’s clinic (reception of birth givers), where the midwife and doctor on duty will help you.

Emergency reception for pregnant women

Mammalogist appointment

The aim of a mammologist appointment is to determine the cause of the breast problems and to find a suitable treatment method.

Mammalogist appointment

Appointment with a midwife by a woman planning infertility treatment

For women who have an infertility diagnosis by an infertility doctor and who wish to start with infertility treatment are referred to the appointment of a midwife to determine and take tests.

Appointment with a midwife by a woman planning infertility treatment

Infertility treatment andrologist's appointment

In the examination of infertility, the aim is to identify the reason behind the infertility and, consequently, to find the most appropriate and effective individual treatment method.

Infertility treatment andrologist's appointment

Infertility treatment gynaecologist’s appointment

In the examination of infertility, the aim is to identify the reason behind the infertility and, consequently, to find the most appropriate and effective individual treatment method.

Infertility treatment gynaecologist’s appointment

Midwife appointment at the breast centre

Women and men of all ages who want to check their breasts or who have questions or complaints related to their breasts are welcome to see a midwife at the breast centre.

Midwife appointment at the breast centre

Counselling for women/couples needing infertility treatment

We are waiting for you at the counselling of women/couples requiring infertility treatment after the confirmation of your infertility and the determination of the treatment method.

Counselling for women/couples needing infertility treatment

Vaccination against HPV

The human papillomavirus (HPV) is a common virus that can cause cervical cancer and genital warts.

Vaccination against HPV

Newborn vaccinations

Vaccination of healthy children is carried out according to the national immunisation schedule.

Newborn vaccinations

Gynaecological oncology surgeries

In the gynaecology and day care department, we diagnose, and surgically treat, malignant gynaecological tumours.

Gynaecological oncology surgeries

Natural childbirth

The course of natural childbirth is not interfered with, but the woman’s wishes and intuition are taken into consideration.

Natural childbirth

Newborn screenings

The aim of newborn screening is to detect certain hereditary or congenital conditions as early as possible, which, if untreated, could compromise the child’s health or development.

Newborn screenings

Pregnancy crisis counselling

The East Tallinn Central Hospital cooperates with pregnancy crisis counsellors from the Väärtustades Elu (SAVE) Foundation, who offer psychological support and information necessary to better cope with the complexities of pregnancy.

Pregnancy crisis counselling

Chorionic villus sampling

During chorionic villus sampling, a tiny piece of tissue from the chorion, or developing placenta, is taken.

Chorionic villus sampling

Hospital and day care during pregnancy

Midwives and doctors at our department counsel, monitor and treat pregnant women in the case of various medical issues.

Hospital and day care during pregnancy

Caesarean incision

Caesarean incision is a surgical operation during which the baby is extracted from the uterus via a cut in the stomach and the uterus.

Caesarean incision

Home visit by a paediatric nurse

Home visits are primarily provided for premature newborns who still require follow-up care after being discharged from the hospital.

Home visit by a paediatric nurse

Counselling by social worker

A family school lecture gives a good overview of the benefits involved with childbirth and their conditions.

Counselling by social worker

Amniotic fluid analysis

During the course of amniocentesis, or the amniotic fluid test, samples are taken of the amniotic fluid.

Amniotic fluid analysis

Cardiotocography (CTG)

Cardiotocography is an analysis that measures the heartbeat of the foetus and the contractions of the uterus.

Cardiotocography (CTG)

Screenings during pregnancy

During pregnancy, at least two ultrasounds are performed on all women: Measuring nuchal translucency during the 11th to 13th week of pregnancy The analysis of the baby’s anatomy during the 20th to 21st week of pregnancy.

Screenings during pregnancy

NIPTIFY screening test

The NIPTIFY screening test analyzes the five most common fetal chromosomal disorders and determines the sex of the fetus.

NIPTIFY screening test

PrenatalSafe screening for twins for a fee

PrenatalSafe screening can be done starting from 10+ weeks of pregnancy until the end of pregnancy.

PrenatalSafe screening for twins for a fee

Appointment for women with urinary incontinence

You are welcome to come for an appointment if you are suffering from unintentional loss of urine, the midwife or doctor will determine the reason for urinary incontinence and prepare a treatment plan.

Appointment for women with urinary incontinence

Paediatrician appointment

At the paediatrician’s appointment, a thorough newborn health examination is performed for newborns who were discharged early after birth, those who needed postnatal care, and premature newborns.

Paediatrician appointment

Midwife appointment for pregnant women (confirming pregnancy)

If the pregnancy test is positive, you should book an appointment with the midwife.

Midwife appointment for pregnant women (confirming pregnancy)

Gynaecologic oncology

Gynaecologic oncology focuses on the early detection of malignant genital tumours and their treatment.

Gynaecologic oncology

Counseling of young people about their sexual health in group (1,5 hours)

The interactive discussion group will cover subjects based on age group and group needs.

Counseling of young people about their sexual health in group (1,5 hours)

Youth Clinic (sexual health counseling for young people)

The Youth Clinic is for young people who have questions about their body and sexuality.

Youth Clinic (sexual health counseling for young people)

Endometrial ablation

During the procedure, we shall remove the lining of the uterus.

Endometrial ablation

Cervical conisation under anaesthesia

Cervical conisation – surgical treatment method to treat cervical dysplasia.

Cervical conisation under anaesthesia

Hysteroscopic operation

During outpatient hysteroscopy, the gynaecologist can examine the patient’s uterus from the inside.

Hysteroscopic operation


Uterine cavity examination or outpatient hysteroscopy without anaesthesia.


Cervical examination with a colposcope or colposcopy

Colposcopy is an examination that helps to detect cervical cancer and precancerous conditions (cervical dysplasia).

Cervical examination with a colposcope or colposcopy

Gynaecological ultrasound test

During a gynaecologist’s appointment, an ultrasound test is often performed after the examination.

Gynaecological ultrasound test

Medical abortion

Termination of pregnancy is the removal of the embryo or fetus from the uterine cavity by surgery or medication.

Medical abortion

Inserting the contraceptive implant, the Nexplanon

The intrauterine contraceptive device or the coil is a contraceptive which is inserted inside the uterus to prevent pregnancy.

Inserting the contraceptive implant, the Nexplanon

Inserting the intrauterine contraceptive device or the coil

The intrauterine contraceptive device or the coil is a contraceptive which is inserted inside the uterus to prevent pregnancy.

Inserting the intrauterine contraceptive device or the coil

Woman’s doctor appointment

The woman’s doctor, also referred to as the gynaecologist, receives women of all ages.

Woman’s doctor appointment

Tubal patency testing

One of the causes of infertility can be a partial or complete blockage of one or both of a woman’s fallopian tubes.

Tubal patency testing

Endometrial receptivity test (the beReady test)

The endometrial receptivity test helps assess the receptivity of the endometrium for embryo implantation and identify the so-called implantation window for successful embryo transfer.

Endometrial receptivity test (the beReady test)


A semen analysis or a seminogram is a test used to evaluate male fertility.


Oxidative stress test from seminal fluid

The oxidative stress test (MiOXSYS) is performed on seminal fluid.

Oxidative stress test from seminal fluid

Use of donor egg cells for in-vitro fertilisation

If a woman has no chance of becoming pregnant with her genetic material (egg cells), the use of a donor egg cell is the only way to get pregnant.

Use of donor egg cells for in-vitro fertilisation

Freezing and preservation of sperm cells

Sperm freezing and preservation is indicated in men who are about to undergo treatment that may impair fertility (e.

Freezing and preservation of sperm cells

Surgical sperm retrieval

In some cases, when there are no sperm cells in the man’s seminal fluid, obtaining sperm from the testicles or epididymis by biopsy (TESE, MESA) is indicated.

Surgical sperm retrieval

Embryo transfer and preservation

Embryo transfer involves selecting embryo(s) of the best quality for transfer to the uterus under ultrasound guidance.

Embryo transfer and preservation

Donor egg cells and frozen egg cells in-vitro fertilisation method

In the case of donor eggs and frozen eggs, it is necessary to use the ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection) method, during which one sperm is selected under a microscope and injected into the egg using a micromanipulator.

Donor egg cells and frozen egg cells in-vitro fertilisation method

In vitro fertilisation IVF

In vitro fertilisation (IVF – In Vitro Fertilisation or ICSI –IntraCytoplasmic Sperm Injection) method  the most effective method of infertility treatment.

In vitro fertilisation IVF

The use of donor sperm cells

Indications for the use of donor sperm include the poor quality of gametes in a man wishing to have a baby.

The use of donor sperm cells

Insemination (IUI – Intrauterine Insemination)

This method can be applied to minor male infertility, in case of problems due to cervical mucus, immunological reasons and unclear infertility cases.

Insemination (IUI – Intrauterine Insemination)

Psychological counselling

Counselling provides the opportunity to analyse your feelings, identify the problems causing stress and find strategies that would help you.

Psychological counselling

Our specialists

Our doctors, midwives and nurses in obstetrics, prevention and treatment of gynaecological diseases, and in the treatment of infertility.

Tiina Loog

Tiina Loog

Gynaecologist, Head of the Centre for Infertility Treatment

Tiina Rass

Tiina Rass

Gynaecologist - Chief Physician

Ruth Essi

Ruth Essi

Midwife, head of midwifery

Agnes Selin

Agnes Selin


Annika Hommik

Annika Hommik


Helle Pihel

Helle Pihel


Iiri Aasa

Iiri Aasa


Mariliis Kippar

Mariliis Kippar


Anastassia Tšurdaljova-Semjonova

Anastassia Tšurdaljova-Semjonova


Annely Kärema

Annely Kärema


Diana Leht

Diana Leht


Hanna-Maria Trei

Hanna-Maria Trei


Jaana Innos

Jaana Innos


Kadri Tammpere

Kadri Tammpere


Katrin Kõster

Katrin Kõster


Kelli Kade

Kelli Kade


Kersti Luha

Kersti Luha


Maila Teramees

Maila Teramees


Maria Vuks

Maria Vuks


Marika Nõmmemees

Marika Nõmmemees


Mariliis Priilinn

Mariliis Priilinn


Maris Kirss

Maris Kirss


Siiri Ennika

Siiri Ennika


Silja Staalfeldt-Rahumägi

Silja Staalfeldt-Rahumägi


Tatjana Talja

Tatjana Talja


Triin Rootalu

Triin Rootalu


Merily Kalm

Merily Kalm


Ada Alliksoo

Ada Alliksoo


Maria Lepik

Maria Lepik

Gynecologist - Mammologist

Anneli Kruus

Anneli Kruus


Ellu Kullerkann

Ellu Kullerkann


Hanna-Oksana Soone

Hanna-Oksana Soone


Kadri Vinkel

Kadri Vinkel


Kaili Nisu

Kaili Nisu


Katrin Toomingas

Katrin Toomingas


Krista Tikan

Krista Tikan


Kristel Treialt

Kristel Treialt


Marge Ratas

Marge Ratas


Merilin Kruminš

Merilin Kruminš


Kaidi Laid

Kaidi Laid


Irina Ivakina

Irina Ivakina


Olesja Põder

Olesja Põder


Liisi Aas

Liisi Aas


Tiiu Hallik

Tiiu Hallik


Kristin Narvik

Kristin Narvik


Hedi Pajuste

Hedi Pajuste


Leili Pärnpuu

Leili Pärnpuu


Laura Rahamägi

Laura Rahamägi


Aet Maarja Leberecht

Aet Maarja Leberecht


Kärt Maalinn

Kärt Maalinn


Marge Põldma

Marge Põldma

Midwife, Head of Breastfeeding Counseling

Jelizaveta Mikloš

Jelizaveta Mikloš


Robyn-Stefany Keif

Robyn-Stefany Keif

Laboratory specialist

Ilona Sinskaja

Ilona Sinskaja


Kirlin Meejärv

Kirlin Meejärv


Laura Ong

Laura Ong


Anastassia Koppel

Anastassia Koppel


Tatjana Kreit

Tatjana Kreit


Fred Kirss

Fred Kirss


Anu Eilat

Anu Eilat


Anette Anderson

Anette Anderson


Brigita Tamm

Brigita Tamm

Head of Clinic

 Anna-Liisa Miilits

Anna-Liisa Miilits


Anna Kostjutšenko

Anna Kostjutšenko


Kadri Margus

Kadri Margus


Darja Valge

Darja Valge


Silja Ostrat

Silja Ostrat


Kärt Laanejärv

Kärt Laanejärv


Gabor Szirko

Gabor Szirko

Head of Breast Centre, Mammologist

Aleksandr Schotter

Aleksandr Schotter


Alevtina Kamneva

Alevtina Kamneva


Anna-Maria Gavšina

Anna-Maria Gavšina


Anu Suurpalu

Anu Suurpalu

Gynaecologist, Mammologist, Head Physician

Tiina Angerjas

Tiina Angerjas

Gynaecologist - Head of Department

Denis Vaulin

Denis Vaulin


Ele Tammemäe

Ele Tammemäe

Gynaecologist, Pediatric Gynecologist

Irina Ploom

Irina Ploom

Gynaecologist - Chief Physician

Kadri Palo

Kadri Palo


Külli Erlang

Külli Erlang

Gynaecologist - Chief Physician

Lea Lang

Lea Lang


Lee Tammemäe

Lee Tammemäe

Gynaecologist - Consultant

Liivika Reimann

Liivika Reimann


Olga Varnavskaja

Olga Varnavskaja


Reeli Saaron

Reeli Saaron

Gynaecologist - Chief Physician

Riina Vähi

Riina Vähi


Tatjana Serebrova

Tatjana Serebrova


Tiia Rüütel

Tiia Rüütel


Vladimir Obuhhov

Vladimir Obuhhov


Anastassia Levin

Anastassia Levin

Gynaecologist - Mammologist

Aasa Gontmacher

Aasa Gontmacher


Aira Peri

Aira Peri


Angela Kalamees

Angela Kalamees


Birgit Suits

Birgit Suits


Ferenc Szirko

Ferenc Szirko

Gynaecologist - Consultant

Kadi Ploom

Kadi Ploom

Gynaecologist - Chief Physician

Kati Korjus

Kati Korjus


Kristel Krunks

Kristel Krunks

Gynaecologist - Head of Department

Külli Frolova

Külli Frolova

Gynaecologist - Chief Physician

Liina Rajasalu

Liina Rajasalu


Liis Annuk

Liis Annuk


Marju Mark

Marju Mark


Paula Pärna

Paula Pärna


Pille Andresson

Pille Andresson

Pediatrician-Neonatologist, Head of the Department of Neonatology

Ruth Käär

Ruth Käär

Pediatrician - Chief Physician

Triin Laaneleht

Triin Laaneleht


Tuuli Haabpiht

Tuuli Haabpiht


Aleksander Trošin

Aleksander Trošin

Laboratory doctor-Chief Physician

Kai Haldre

Kai Haldre


Kristjan Pomm

Kristjan Pomm

Urologist - Andrologist

Joanna Nahku

Joanna Nahku

Senior Clinical Embryologist

About the Women’s Clinic

The Women’s Clinic has been recognised as a baby-friendly hospital since 2008. The quality indicators for the work of this clinic are comparable to the results of leading European countries enjoying a high level of obstetric care. Hand in hand with cutting-edge technological solutions and human kindness, we offer a family-centred birth experience full of joy, the security of well-being and peace, to support the development of infant-mother attachment. We help you start breastfeeding as soon as possible after giving birth and provide postpartum support to ensure breastfeeding success. The only breast milk bank in Estonia, established in 2010, will help babies who are born prematurely to start life in the best possible way.

In addition, the Women’s Clinic is an educational training base for residents, certified by The European Board and College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. The proper training of young doctors is the foundation of safe medicine.


admissions to the Women’s Clinic in 2024



piktogramm: ema koos beebiga



Piktogramm: rase



Pikgtogramm: munarakk



Piktogramm: rinnavähi lint, kaks kätt



Piktogramm: emakas



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Our certifications and recognitions