
The Estonian mammalogy conference was held in Paide


At the third Estonian mammalogy conference held at the Paide Wittenstein Centre, doctors discussed the state of breast cancer in Estonia.

Dr Gabor Szirko ettekannet tegemas

Gabor Szirko, Head of the Breast Centre at the East Tallinn Central Hospital’s Women’s Clinic, notes: “At the conference, we addressed the currently important topics that offer opportunities for development. Through discussion, we can standardise the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer in Estonia.”

“This year’s conference was special due to its international scope, which was widened by the participation of Petr Krsička, Associate Professor at the Department of Surgical Oncology at Masaryk University in Brno,” adds Szirko. “Additionally, doctors from East Tallinn Central Hospital and Tartu University Hospital helped to elucidate on the topics.”

The topics on the agenda included ‘Aspects of breast cancer treatment in pregnant people’, ‘Treatment of HER2 positive breast cancer today and tomorrow’, ‘Treatment of osteoporosis in breast cancer patients’, ‘Genetic testing of germline mutations in breast cancer patients’, ‘Introduction to the new guidelines for B3 lesions’, ‘Introduction to the breast cancer case manager service’, ‘Targeted axillary dissection (TAD)’, and ‘Comparison of tumour and lymph node localisation technologies’.

The conference took place on 24 May. Presentations were held by Elen Vettus, Anu Suurpalu, Tiina Tuul, Karin Laas, Kertu Helleste, Birgit Valgemäe, and Gabor Szirko from East Tallinn Central Hospital and by Mikk Tooming from Tartu University Hospital.