
Early detection saves lives: March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
In March, a nationwide colorectal cancer prevention campaign will begin, inviting Estonians aged 58–68 to participate in screenings to raise awareness of the possibilities of early detection of the disease. People without health insurance can also take part in the survey. Colorectal cancer is one of the most common malignant tumours in Estonia, but if detected in time, it can be successfully treated.

Opening hours of East Tallinn Central Hospital on Estonian Independence Day, February 24, 2025
Due to the public holiday on February 24, 2025, all polyclinics will be closed, and outpatient services will not be available. Emergency medical care will be provided on Ravi Street.

Holiday Opening Hours in Hospital Units
We would like to inform you about changes to the opening hours of our hospital units during the holiday season. Patients and visitors are kindly requested to take note of the following changes and plan their visits accordingly.

Breast cancer screening will take place on Saturday, 7 December, from 9.00 to 15.20 at the Magdaleena Unit
If you are part of the target group for breast cancer screening in 2024 and haven’t had your screening yet, come on Saturday, December 7, between 9:00 AM and 3:20 PM for your breast cancer screening!