


Patient satisfaction survey will be carried out until 8 May

A patient satisfaction survey will be carried out at East Tallinn Central Hospital from 4 April to 8 May. The survey will be carried out by interviewing a random sample of outpatients. The aim of the survey is to understand patients' expectations regarding communication and involvement. The questionnaire-based feedback used in the past has this year been replaced by interviews as it gives us a better understanding of the patients' experience and helps us ascribe meaning to it.


Protective masks mandatory in hospital

The general obligation to wear a mask has ended, but as a hospital we have a duty to protect the health of our patients and staff. All patients coming for scheduled and emergency treatment and procedures/tests must wear a protective mask. In the absence of a mask, the hospital has the right to refuse treatment.


Patient satisfaction survey starts on 4 April

A patient satisfaction survey will be carried out at East Tallinn Central Hospital from 4 April to 8 May. The survey will be carried out by interviewing a random sample of outpatients. The aim of the survey is to understand patients' expectations regarding communication and involvement. The questionnaire-based feedback used in the past has this year been replaced by interviews as it gives us a better understanding of the patients' experience and helps us ascribe meaning to it.