

Dr Ruth Kivistik võtmas vastu Aasta Arst 2024 tiitlit

Dr. Ruth Kivistik is Doctor of the Year 2024, and Dr. Lee Tammemäe was awarded the Väino Tuppits Lifetime Achievement Award

For the 20th time, East Tallinn Central Hospital has selected its employees of the year. Doctor Ruth Kivistik, rehabilitation physician in the Clinic of Medical Rehabilitation, Outpatient Rehabilitation Centre, was awarded the title of Doctor of the Year; and Annika Eamets, nurse-optometrist in the Eye Clinic, Centre of Ophthalmology, was selected Nurse of the Year. The Väino Tuppits Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to Dr Lee Tammemäe.

Õde kinnastega tegemas gripivaktsiini

Vaccination against influenza

It is possible to get vaccinated against influenza at the East Tallinn Central Hospital. We offer vaccination with the quadrivalent flu vaccine VaxigripTETRA, which is suitable for everyone from 6 months of age (including pregnant women).

Ravi üksuse hooned, esiplaanil A korpus.

The A-Wing entrance to the Ravi Street unit is closed from 7 August

As of Wednesday, 7 August, the A-Wing entrance to the East Tallinn Central Hospital’s Ravi Street unit has been closed for repairs that will last for nearly three months. Entry is temporarily taking place through the C-Wing. Follow the temporary yellow signs!