
Orthopaedic Centre

The activities of the Orthopaedic Centre of East Tallinn Central Hospital consider the full extent of trauma and orthopaedics.


All doctors working in surgical orthopaedic treatment are the leading specialists in their field of study in Estonia. We treat more than 2,000 inpatients a year. Over 2,500 surgeries our performed by the doctors of our department together with the outpatient surgeries. We perform all surgeries for skeletal system diseases and traumas. In addition to our planned activities, we are also on duty 24 hours a day for the treatment of patients with trauma.

Important activities

We are in a leading position in the endoprosthesis of large joints in Estonia. Each year, we perform over 700 endoprosthesis on all joints. We are one of the few centres in Estonia where shoulder and elbow endoprosthesis is also performed. We also have a lot of experience in the treatment of patients of foot pathology – we perform over 500 surgeries a year for different pathologies of foot and ankle joints. The treatment of different pathologies of the shoulder joint region has also developed significantly, which mainly uses endoscopic techniques. We are also experienced in the arthroscopic treatment of knee joint injuries and hand and wrist surgery. Every year, we treat over 500 patients with diseases and injuries of this region. As the only centre in Estonia, we perform different hip revision surgeries. We have very good competence in the surgical treatment of patients with pelvic injuries. We also handle the diagnostics and treatment of sports injuries.

The treatment rooms of the Orthopaedic Centre are located in the A-housing, 3rd floor of the Ravi unit and we also perform surgeries there. In recent years, the competence centres based on anatomic segments have been rapidly developing to ensure the best possible treatment for the patient for traumas and for chronic conditions. In addition to planned orthopaedic activities, we also treat emergency trauma patients. The admission of outpatients is located at the Magdaleena unit Pärnu mnt 104, offices 101–102. In addition to doctors, it also has the independent admission of orthopaedic nurses where rehabilitation and orthopaedic related counselling is provided.  

We have always been amongst the first ones in Estonia to introduce new medical technologies. We have good cooperation with the orthopaedic clinic of the University of Tartu. We are also the learning base for the students and residents of the University of Tartu. 

Orthopaedic Centre
Ravi 18, Tallinn


Kööp Andres
Andres Kööp
Head of Centre
andres.koop [at]
Heive Unt
Heive Unt
Head of nursing
heive.unt [at]
Eve Possul foto
Eve Possul
eve.possul [at]
Carmeela Hõbalaid
Carmeela Hõbelaid
carmeela.hobelaid [at]