
Centre of Internal Medicine

Inpatient care at the Center of Internal Medicine of the East Tallinn Central Hospital is performed in the internal medicine department which has specialized in the treatment of general internal diseases in the broader sense as well as in narrower fields.


In the Center of Internal Medicine, we provide both day treatment and inpatient care treatments.

Patients with iron deficiency anemia are treated in day treatment, if intravenous administration of iron is indicated. As a new service, we provide daytime diagnostics to patients whose condition is stable but who urgently require additional tests.

Policlinic of pulmonology 

Pulmonoloogia polikliinikus võtavad sind vastu pulmonoloog ja pulmonoloogiaõde ning teeme pulmonoloogilisi uuringuid. Diagnosis and treatment of lung diseases takes place daily at the Centre of Internal Medicine of the Clinic of Internal Medicine of the East Tallinn Central Hospital.

We have been developing the field of pulmonology at ETCH since 2003, and today, five pulmonologists work at our hospital, assisted by nine respiratory nurses. Work takes place on both an inpatient and outpatient basis. Two pulmonologists work on the hospital side and three in the outpatient clinic. All of our nurses are functional diagnosticians, with specialty-specific training, who are also consultation and training nurses.

At the ETCH outpatient clinic, it is possible to conduct different breathing tests, such as spirometry and the bronchodilator test, evaluate lung diffusing capacity, plethysmography, methacholine challenge test and FeNO measurement, and cardiopulmonary exercise testing.

A separate course alongside lung diseases is the diagnosing and treatment of sleep apnoea. Sleep apnoea is a nightly breathing disorder. Pulmonologists do not deal with insomnia and other sleep disorders. It is within our competence to assess nightly apnoea episodes, accompanied by disturbances in oxygen supply to the organism, which may lead to the development of significant health issues.

We have experience since 2014 in diagnosing and treating sleep apnoea, and we have a separate office for sleep apnoea studies staffed with trained nurses. Patients are consulted and monitored regarding CPAP therapy.

We also monitor patients with severe breathing function impairment, who receive ventilator treatment (VPAP) at home. Our daily activities include the diagnosis and treatment of lung diseases, primarily diagnosing asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, identifying the cause of a lingering cough and differential diagnostics of lung diseases. We also treat prolonged pneumonia and unexplained chronic inflammatory diseases, and interstitial diseases.

Centre of Internal Medicine at Ravi
Ravi 18, Tallinn

59.42701, 24.75573


Maria Gustavson
Maria Gustavson
Krista Tutt portree
Krista Tutt
Head of nursing
krista.tutt [at]
Kairi Ojamäe
Kairi Ojamäe
kairi.ojamae [at]