A quarter of Estonian children are born
at our maternity hospital

Welcome to
the ITK maternity hospital
The maternity hospital at East Tallinn Central Hospital is the oldest in Estonia – a quarter of Estonian children are born here.
We have been a baby-friendly hospital since 2008. The principles of our baby-friendly hospital are simple and humane – love and care, the bond between mother and child, the importance of breast milk and creating conditions for successful breastfeeding.
Our maternity midwives and doctors will be by your side throughout your pregnancy. Additionally, you can get the information you need at the family school lectures or from a breastfeeding counsellor. The 24-hour on-call room and maternity reception are open to all pregnant women.
Emergency care 24/7
On-call midwife 5308 0874
Maternity Counselling Centre
Ravi unit block-B – Ravi 18, ground floor
Magdaleena unit Health Centre – Pärnu mnt 104, first floor
Reception desk and information
666 1900
Additional informationPregnancy and childbirth
All our gynaecologists, midwives and paediatricians are dedicated to making sure your baby will be born and grow up healthy. We also offer mental health and pregnancy crisis counselling to women in need of psychological support.
A healthcare specialist trained in obstetric medicine is present at every delivery in our hospital. Midwives provide support and advice during normal deliveries, while for more complicated births, a team of experienced gynaecologists and paediatricians will be involved.
You can request that your preferred midwife, gynaecologist or paediatrician be present at the birth. This service is for a fee. If you would like to have your preferred specialist at your birth, please contact the maternity department at tel. 620 7159 a couple of months before your due date.
Our specialists
Our pregnancy monitoring and obstetrics doctors, midwives and nurses
births at the East Tallinn Central Hospital maternity hospital
IN 2024



pairs of twins


set of quadruplets