
Endometrial receptivity test (the beReady test)

The endometrial receptivity test helps assess the receptivity of the endometrium for embryo implantation and identify the so-called implantation window for successful embryo transfer.

The endometrium becomes receptive to embryo implantation 6-8 days after ovulation and remains receptive for a short period of time. This period of time is known as the ‘implantation window’. The test allows for the identification of the so-called personal implantation window, thereby increasing the success rate of embryo transfer. The test also assesses the expression of genes involved in the process of endometrial receptivity. Based on the gene expression level, it is possible to tell whether the endometrium is receptive.

The test is intended for women who have experienced recurrent implantation failures despite morphologically good embryos and seemingly normal endometrial thickness.

The test involves taking a small endometrial tissue sample with a thin catheter during an outpatient visit. Slight discomfort and pain may be felt during the procedure. Should the endometrium be receptive, the embryo transfer should be scheduled for the same day of the next menstrual cycle on which the tissue sample was taken.

The results of the endometrial receptivity test will be available within 15 working days after taking the tissue sample. You will find out the result of the test at the doctor’s appointment.

