
Mammalogist appointment

The aim of a mammologist appointment is to determine the cause of the breast problems and to find a suitable treatment method.

 A mammologist undertakes the following:

  • Collects information on symptoms, general health and family medical history
  • Performs a breast examination
  • If necessary, performs an initial ultrasound examination
  • Orders any necessary additional examinations and analyses
  • Draws up a plan for treatment and monitoring

A referral is not needed to book an appointment. The appointment is free of charge for patients with health insurance.

You can book an appointment:

  • On the Health Portal
  • By calling +372 666 1900 Mon to Fri 07:15-18:00
  • At the hospital reception desk

In the case of an urgent problem, please contact us by email at rind [at]



Maria Lepik
Maria Lepik
Gynecologist - Mammologist
Women's Clinic, Breast Center
Anu Suurpalu
Anu Suurpalu
Gynaecologist, Mammologist, Head Physician
Women's Clinic, Breast Center