

ITK neuroloogiakeskuse juhataja dr Inga Kalju

Dr Inga Kalju appointed as head of Neurology Centre

Taking up the post of director of the Neurology Centre at East Tallinn Central Hospital on 1 September will be Dr Inga Kalju. Dr Kalju joined the hospital in 2015 as a resident before becoming a neurologist in 2018.

Ida-Tallinna Keskhaigla Covid-osakond

As of August 4, 2021 surgical masks required and patient visits suspended

Dear patients and friends and family of patients,

Due to the renewed spread of COVID-19, the wearing of surgical masks has once again become mandatory for medical staff, patients and those accompanying them on the premises East Tallinn Central Hospital. Visits to hospitalised patients have also been suspended.


The wearing of masks and disinfecting of hands is mandatory