

Lea Karik, Ida-Tallinna Keskhaigla

Do not forget your remote consultation!

Health professionals performing remote consultations are facing a problem – people are reluctant to answer calls from unknown numbers and lose out on their scheduled consultations, leaving a gap in continuity of care.

Kanna maski

Wear a mask in public

The government has decided to make it compulsory to wear a mask or cover your nose and mouth in indoor public spaces, which includes hospital premises.

Enneaegsete sünni päeva ümarlaud

The topic of yesterday’s roundtable discussion was premature babies and the standards of care for newborn health

On 17 November, East Tallinn Central Hospital hosted roundtable discussions as part of the World Prematurity Day. Healthcare Minister Tanel Kiik, Minister of the Population Riina Solman, representative of MTÜ Enneaegsed Lapsed (NGO Premature Children) experience counsellor Kadri Sooberg-Aettik, Anni Laas who is the mother of a premature child, representative of the health insurance fund Malle Avarsoo and representatives of East Tallinn Central Hospital – Dr Allikvee, Dr Tamm, Dr Andresson and Dr Tiit-Vesing.