
Ene Halling to continue as hospital Board Member and Head of Treatment

Ene Halling

The Council of East Tallinn Central Hospital decided that Dr Ene Halling will continue to serve as a Board Member and Head of Treatment for the next three years. Dr Ene Halling is responsible for the organisation of out-patient and in-patient treatment services as well as quality of care, treatment analysis and statistics.

According to Chairman of the Council Kairi Vaher, it is imperative to ensure continued high quality of care during the current pandemic. “Ensuring the stability and patient-focus of quality of care poses a challenge for large hospitals. The Council finds Dr Halling experienced and capable of continuing her duties as the Head of Treatment,” says Vaher.

According to Ene Halling, the main goal for the coming years is to develop centres for different speciality areas and multidisciplinary treatment centres as well as improve quality of care and patient-friendliness. “The hospital also plays an important role in the treatment of COVID-19 patients,” Halling explains.

Ene Halling graduated from the University of Tartu in 1982 and is a gastroenterologist by profession. She has been working at East Tallinn Central Hospital since 1992, serving as the Head of the Clinic of Internal Medicine as well as the Treatment Analysis Department.

The Board of East Tallinn Central Hospital comprises four members, including Tarmo Bakler, Ülle Rohi and Kersti Reinsalu.