

karjäärikeskus meedik

East Tallinn Central Hospital to introduce hospital work at career seminar

Promoted by the Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund, the webinar 'Career Stop. Medical workers as the heroes of our time' will take place on 23 September from 16:30-18:00 with a focus on medicine. Liisa Vipp, general surgeon at East Tallinn Central Hospital, will talk to young people looking to make career choices about work in the hospital and the associated daily challenges and achievements.

covid department

East Tallinn Central Hospital to open COVID department on Friday

On 24 September, East Tallinn Central Hospital will reopen a department specialised in the treatment of patients with COVID-19. The department will include 29 COVID beds, five of which will be equipped for grade II intensive care. The hospital has two beds for grade III intensive care. The new department will be opened in the premises of the Centre of Internal Medicine on Ravi Street.

nukleaarmeditsiini keskus

International symposium on nuclear medicine to be held from 23-24 September by East Tallinn Central Hospital

From 23-24 September, an international hybrid isotope treatment symposium will be held in the hall of the Estonian Academy of Sciences led by East Tallinn Central Hospital. The aim of this symposium is to share the latest evidence-based information about modern tumour therapy with nuclear medicine physicians, oncologists and urologists in order for them to be able to better navigate the various isotope treatment options for malignancies.