


Patient satisfaction survey will be carried out until 8 May

A patient satisfaction survey will be carried out at East Tallinn Central Hospital from 4 April to 8 May. The survey will be carried out by interviewing a random sample of outpatients. The aim of the survey is to understand patients' expectations regarding communication and involvement. The questionnaire-based feedback used in the past has this year been replaced by interviews as it gives us a better understanding of the patients' experience and helps us ascribe meaning to it.

Kristel Kalling

East Tallinn Central Hospital holds seminar in honour of World Voice Day

World Voice Day is celebrated on 16 April. To mark this occasion, East Tallinn Central Hospital is hosting a seminar today titled “Voice through the cycle of life”. East Tallinn Central Hospital’s ear, nose and throat specialist Dr Kristel Kalling has been one of the promoters and organisers of World Voice Day in Estonia for many years now. Even though our voice and how we use it may seem obvious to us on a daily basis, Dr Kalling says we should pay more attention to it every now and again.


The information session on 19 April will introduce radiology technologist studies at hospitals in Tallinn

This autumn the Tartu Health Care College will commence the training of radiology technologists in Tallinn – the place where such health care specialists are needed the most. All those interested in starting radiology technologist curriculum studies this autumn in the Tallinn student group are invited to participate in the online information session at 14:00 on Tuesday, 19 April.