
Dr Kristel Pulges Doctor of the Year 2022 at East Tallinn Central Hospital


This year’s most outstanding employees were recognised at East Tallinn Central Hospital’s traditional thanksgiving ceremony. During the 18th annual Employee of the Year competition, Ophthalmologist and Chief Physician Dr Kristel Pulges of the Eye Clinic was awarded the title of Doctor of the Year.

Dr Kristel Pulges Doctor of the Year 2022 at East Tallinn Central Hospital

Dr Kristel Pulges has been working at East Tallinn Central Hospital Eye Clinic since 2010. In 2020, Dr Pulges was selected as the chief physician of the Eye Clinic. She works both in the operating theatre as a neck surgeon and in the outpatient clinic, where she diagnoses and treats neuro-ophthalmological patients with extremely complicated cases. In addition, Dr Pulges trains other ophthalmologists and specialists from other fields.

According to the Doctor of the Year, her work is best characterised by multidisciplinarity in bringing different specialists together and offering more support to individuals during the treatment process. “I have all the colleagues I need close by. I spend a lot of time working with neurologists – we discuss one thing or another almost every day. If you see an eye disease related to blood vessels, you look to the cardiologist and try to take a more holistic approach to the patient, so they don't have to shop around, so to speak,” says Dr Kristel Pulges, adding that doctors’ work also relies heavily on attitude and communication. “Humanity should be something that doctors stand by when interacting with colleagues and patients alike.”

Ida-Tallinna Keskhaigla Aasta Arst 2022 dr Kristel Pulges

Gastroenterology Centre Nurse Jaanika Survo from the Clinic of Internal Medicine was awarded the title of Nurse of the Year. "In endoscopy, I assist gastrointestinal examinations (gastric and intestinal examinations) and biliary tract examinations and prepare the patient for examinations. They might not even remember what was done to them, but they will remember how they were treated or approached. If we are able to establish a positive framework for the patient, this also leads to better treatment results and the patients themselves have more faith in their recovery,” said Jaanika Survo.

Aasta Õendustöötaja 2022 Jaanika Survo

Care Worker Kersti Puusepp from the Nursing Clinic was named the Care Worker of the Year. Patients have expressed their satisfaction and gratitude to Kersti both verbally and in writing. She has trained a number of new employees and students. “I like to work with people, to help them and interact with them,” says Kersti Puusepp. “We provide nursing care. When you see that certain patients are able to sit up, manage independently and go home on their own two feet thanks to us, it really brings a great deal of joy. The way I think about it is that I’m going to improve even this one day for them. That, I can help with.”

The best employees of the year of East Tallinn Central Hospital for 2022 were recognised in a total of 13 categories thanking medical and support staff alike. The event took place last night at Seaplane Harbour.

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Aasta Õendustöötajad 2022

Ida-Tallinna Keskhaigla Aasta Hooldustöötajad 2022

Ida-Tallinna Keskhaigla Aasta Kliinilised Tugispetsialistid 2022