
ITK received a device for upper limb neuromotor rehabilitation


Clinic of Medical Rehabilitation of East Tallinn Central Hospital welcomes long-awaited robotic glove Gloreha Sinfonia to be used in activity therapy or for restoring, developing or maintaining patients’ hand functions.

ITK hand robot Gloreha Sinfonia

The device can be used in the acute period as well as in the later stages of rehabilitation. It is possible to perform exercises both for specific areas (wrist, hand, fingers) and to develop more extensive movements (shoulder and forearm movement).

The robot can be used for various diagnoses and functional disorders, such as disorders caused by damage to the central nervous system, peripheral nerve damage, various hand traumas, post-surgery conditions, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. It can also be used to alleviate pain and reduce swelling and to improve hand coordination and dexterity. You can record the patient’s performance for comparison over time and assessment of progress made.

“This robotic glove is a high-tech tool for our activity therapists in their work with patients,” says Katrin Olo-Laansoo, Head of the Outpatient Rehabilitation Centre of the Clinic of Medical Rehabilitation of East Tallinn Central Hospital. “Using it, we can help patients improve the fine motor skills and function of the arms and hands.”

The purchase was made possible thanks to the donations collected through the Sinilill (liverwort) charity campaign organised by the Estonian Injured Servicemen Society. The campaign raised 70,000 euros that was donated to the hospital to purchase the device.