


Study to become a radiology technician in Tallinn

Tartu Health Care College will be offering radiology technician training in Tallinn from autumn 2022, providing education for healthcare specialists where they are most needed. Tartu Health Care College is the only educational institute in Estonia that trains radiology technicians.


East Tallinn Central Hospital opens remodelled Centre of Emergency Medicine

On 13 June, the remodelled Centre of Emergency Medicine at East Tallinn Central Hospital, which sees an average of 50,000 visits per year, was opened. The Centre of Radiology, which plays an important role in providing fast and comfortable services to patients coming to the hospital with traumatic injuries, has also been renovated.


Smart corset devised by engineers and doctors improves scoliosis treatment

Mechanical and electronic engineers at the University of Technology teamed up with doctors from East Tallinn Central Hospital to create a smart corset to make the treatment of scoliosis patients more comfortable and efficient. Therapeutic corsets are often used to correct spinal curvature in young people.