
In the maternity department,

we offer you a sense of security and support the natural arrival of your child

Beebi varbad


In the maternity department of the Maternity Hospital, we offer you a sense of security and support the natural arrival of your child. Our delivery wards have the facilities to support the natural course of childbirth – bath, shower, mat, exercise ball, pea bag. Various medical pain relief methods (epidural analgesia) are available if requested. Our midwives are there to support you throughout the delivery and respect your wishes. Should things get complicated, you will have gynaecologists and other experts there for you. 

You can also choose a private midwife or a doctor to be present for you only, throughout the delivery process.

After childbirth, the mother and the baby will be recovering in the general ward, family ward or mother-and-child ward as requested by the family.


Reception to Maternity Hospital

Maternity Hospital, floor 1, Ravi 18, B block


Free parking when coming in to give birth

Parking by the emergency reception is free of charge for 24 hours for women coming in to give birth.

Read more


Delivery ward on-call midwife

620 7159

Emergency reception (24/7)

5308 0874

When should you come in immediately?
24/7 emergency assistance: maternity reception department,
Maternity Hospital, floor 1, Ravi 18, B block

Midwife helpline

606 7576

Call a midwife with any questions relating to pregnancy Mon–Fri 08:00 to 16:00 or send your question to a midwife at You will receive a reply within two working days.

Our wards

Family ward

On the second floor, there are five, and on the fifth floor, there are 18 family wards with all amenities, one of which is a larger ward with a leisure corner*.

  • Double bed
  • Toilet and shower
  • TV
  • Fridge
  • Catering 3 times daily
  • Wi-Fi

No prebooking available. Inform your midwife of your preferences when you come to the hospital.


30 euros / 60 euros* per 24 hours

The invoice for payment for the ward will be issued by the midwife on the day you leave the hospital.

Our wards

Family ward

  • On the second floor, there are five family wards with amenities.
  • Double bed
  • Toilet and shower

Catering 3 times daily


20 euros* per 24 hours

The invoice for payment for the ward will be issued by the midwife on the day you leave the hospital.

Our wards

Mother-and-child ward

On the fifth floor, there are four mother-and-child wards with all amenities.

  • Single bed
  • Toilet and shower
  • TV
  • Fridge
  • Catering 3 times daily
  • Wi-Fi

No prebooking available for mother-and-child wards. Inform your midwife of your preferences when you come to the hospital.


15 euros* per 24 hours

The invoice for payment for the ward will be issued by the midwife on the day you leave the hospital.

Our wards

General ward

On the second floor, there is a general ward with 2-4 beds for mothers and babies.

  • beds for mother and child
  • Catering 3 times daily

Toilet, shower and fridge are in the hallway


Free of charge

No invoice will be issued.

Our specialists

Doctors and midwives in pregnancy monitoring and obstetric care

Anna Kostjutšenko

Anna Kostjutšenko


Kadri Margus

Kadri Margus


Silja Ostrat

Silja Ostrat


Tiina Angerjas

Tiina Angerjas

Gynaecologist - Head of Department

Aasa Gontmacher

Aasa Gontmacher


Aira Peri

Aira Peri


Angela Kalamees

Angela Kalamees


Birgit Suits

Birgit Suits


Ferenc Szirko

Ferenc Szirko

Gynaecologist - Consultant

Kadi Ploom

Kadi Ploom

Gynaecologist - Chief Physician

Kati Korjus

Kati Korjus


Kristel Krunks

Kristel Krunks

Gynaecologist - Head of Department

Külli Frolova

Külli Frolova

Gynaecologist - Chief Physician

Liina Rajasalu

Liina Rajasalu


Liis Annuk

Liis Annuk


Marju Mark

Marju Mark


Paula Pärna

Paula Pärna


Pille Andresson

Pille Andresson

Pediatrician-Neonatologist, Head of the Department of Neonatology

Ruth Käär

Ruth Käär

Pediatrician - Chief Physician

Triin Laaneleht

Triin Laaneleht


Tuuli Haabpiht

Tuuli Haabpiht


Kärt Laanejärv

Kärt Laanejärv


Agnes Selin

Agnes Selin


Annika Hommik

Annika Hommik


Iiri Aasa

Iiri Aasa


Anastassia Tšurdaljova-Semjonova

Anastassia Tšurdaljova-Semjonova


Annely Kärema

Annely Kärema


Diana Leht

Diana Leht


Hanna-Maria Trei

Hanna-Maria Trei


Kadri Tammpere

Kadri Tammpere


Kelli Kade

Kelli Kade


Kersti Luha

Kersti Luha


Maila Teramees

Maila Teramees


Maria Vuks

Maria Vuks


Marika Nõmmemees

Marika Nõmmemees


Mariliis Priilinn

Mariliis Priilinn


Maris Kirss

Maris Kirss


Siiri Ennika

Siiri Ennika


Silja Staalfeldt-Rahumägi

Silja Staalfeldt-Rahumägi


Tatjana Talja

Tatjana Talja


Triin Rootalu

Triin Rootalu


Anneli Kruus

Anneli Kruus


Ellu Kullerkann

Ellu Kullerkann


Kadri Vinkel

Kadri Vinkel


Kaili Nisu

Kaili Nisu


Katrin Toomingas

Katrin Toomingas


Krista Tikan

Krista Tikan


Kristel Treialt

Kristel Treialt


Merilin Kruminš

Merilin Kruminš


Merily Kalm

Merily Kalm


Kaidi Laid

Kaidi Laid


Irina Ivakina

Irina Ivakina


Olesja Põder

Olesja Põder


Liisi Aas

Liisi Aas


Tiiu Hallik

Tiiu Hallik


Kristin Narvik

Kristin Narvik


Hedi Pajuste

Hedi Pajuste


Leili Pärnpuu

Leili Pärnpuu


Laura Rahamägi

Laura Rahamägi


Aet Maarja Leberecht

Aet Maarja Leberecht


Kärt Maalinn

Kärt Maalinn


Marge Põldma

Marge Põldma

Midwife, Head of Breastfeeding Counseling

Marge Ratas

Marge Ratas


Ilona Sinskaja

Ilona Sinskaja


Kirlin Meejärv

Kirlin Meejärv


Tatjana Kreit

Tatjana Kreit


Fred Kirss

Fred Kirss


We offer


Midwife’s home visit service

The midwife’s home visit service is available to all women who have given birth in our hospital and live within 30 km.

Midwife’s home visit service

Appointment with a midwife during pregnancy planning

Pregnancy planning counselling is a free service offered by the Women’s Clinic, where women planning to become pregnant are welcome, both alone and with their partner.

Appointment with a midwife during pregnancy planning

Personal midwife

If you want, you can request a personal preferred midwife, gynaecologist or a paediatrician present at your childbirth.

Personal midwife

Breastfeeding counseling

You are welcome to visit us for breastfeeding consulting with all questions related to breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding counseling

Post-delivery appointment with the midwife

1,5-2 months after the delivery, you need to see the midwife for a post-delivery check-up.

Post-delivery appointment with the midwife

Psychological counseling during pregnancy and postpartum

Pregnancy and the postpartum period are important times for you and your baby but can sometimes pose a great challenge that requires support and courage.

Psychological counseling during pregnancy and postpartum

Emergency reception for pregnant women

With an emergency problem during pregnancy you may turn to the emergency room at the women’s clinic (reception of birth givers), where the midwife and doctor on duty will help you.

Emergency reception for pregnant women

Newborn vaccinations

Vaccination of healthy children is carried out according to the national immunisation schedule.

Newborn vaccinations

Natural childbirth

The course of natural childbirth is not interfered with, but the woman’s wishes and intuition are taken into consideration.

Natural childbirth

Newborn screenings

The aim of newborn screening is to detect certain hereditary or congenital conditions as early as possible, which, if untreated, could compromise the child’s health or development.

Newborn screenings

Pregnancy crisis counselling

The East Tallinn Central Hospital cooperates with pregnancy crisis counsellors from the Väärtustades Elu (SAVE) Foundation, who offer psychological support and information necessary to better cope with the complexities of pregnancy.

Pregnancy crisis counselling

Chorionic villus sampling

During chorionic villus sampling, a tiny piece of tissue from the chorion, or developing placenta, is taken.

Chorionic villus sampling

Hospital and day care during pregnancy

Midwives and doctors at our department counsel, monitor and treat pregnant women in the case of various medical issues.

Hospital and day care during pregnancy

Caesarean incision

Caesarean incision is a surgical operation during which the baby is extracted from the uterus via a cut in the stomach and the uterus.

Caesarean incision

Home visit by a paediatric nurse

Home visits are primarily provided for premature newborns who still require follow-up care after being discharged from the hospital.

Home visit by a paediatric nurse

Counselling by social worker

A family school lecture gives a good overview of the benefits involved with childbirth and their conditions.

Counselling by social worker

Amniotic fluid analysis

During the course of amniocentesis, or the amniotic fluid test, samples are taken of the amniotic fluid.

Amniotic fluid analysis

Cardiotocography (CTG)

Cardiotocography is an analysis that measures the heartbeat of the foetus and the contractions of the uterus.

Cardiotocography (CTG)

Screenings during pregnancy

During pregnancy, at least two ultrasounds are performed on all women: Measuring nuchal translucency during the 11th to 13th week of pregnancy The analysis of the baby’s anatomy during the 20th to 21st week of pregnancy.

Screenings during pregnancy

NIPTIFY screening test

The NIPTIFY screening test analyzes the five most common fetal chromosomal disorders and determines the sex of the fetus.

NIPTIFY screening test

PrenatalSafe screening for twins for a fee

PrenatalSafe screening can be done starting from 10+ weeks of pregnancy until the end of pregnancy.

PrenatalSafe screening for twins for a fee

Paediatrician appointment

At the paediatrician’s appointment, a thorough newborn health examination is performed for newborns who were discharged early after birth, those who needed postnatal care, and premature newborns.

Paediatrician appointment

Midwife appointment for pregnant women (confirming pregnancy)

If the pregnancy test is positive, you should book an appointment with the midwife.

Midwife appointment for pregnant women (confirming pregnancy)