

kuldse lindi päev

15 February marks International Childhood Cancer Day

In 2018, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that it is setting a long-term goal to fight global inequality in child survival rates. To this end, the WHO has promised to ensure better opportunities for timely diagnosis and improved access to the medicinal products and equipment needed for treatment, resulting in a global survival rate of at least 60% for all children with cancer by 2030.


East Tallinn Central Hospital to suspend planned treatment from 10 February

East Tallinn Central Hospital will temporarily suspend planned inpatient treatment from 10 February. This is due to the need to increase the hospital's capacity to provide hospital care for COVID-19 patients. Emergency services, day care (incl. oncology), day surgery and outpatient admissions will continue to the extent possible.

covid osakond

East Tallinn Central Hospital to open second COVID department today

East Tallinn Central Hospital will open its second department for COVID patients today on 3 February. The department to be opened will have 12 beds. The new department will be opened in the premises of the Surgery Clinic on Ravi Street. The hospital now has 54 COVID beds in total.