
Your feedback is important to us!

Dear patient, loved one, visitor to the hospital!

We aim to provide you with quality health care and great service. We need your feedback to be able to do our work even better. Both positive feedback and criticism on our current work are welcome. 

In addition to using this contact form, you can submit letters of thanks, complaints and proposals by:


  • post to Ravi 18, 10138 Tallinn 
  • email to
  • posting this form in the post boxes labelled with “Teie tagasiside on meile oluline” [“Your feedback matters”] available in our units (departments, registries). You can find printed feedback forms next to the post boxes. 


Please inform us of work-related breaches and conflicts by e-mail at

Notifications sent to this address are processed in accordance with the hospital’s guidelines for resolving work-related conflicts and the procedure for reporting work-related breaches, and the protection measures for the reporting person arising from the aforementioned procedures are applied.


Important! For the secure transmission of personal data or other confidential information, please use e-mail and send the data as an encrypted document, using the DigiDoc software certificate "East Tallinn Central Hospital: Dok_kinnitus 1" or "East Tallinn Central Hospital: Dok_kinnitus 2".


If you would like to receive a written response to your feedback, please indicate this in the feedback. We will reply to you as soon as possible, but no later than within 30 calendar days.  




If you are not satisfied with the response to your complaint, you or your representative have the right to complain about the provision of healthcare services in accordance with subsection:



to the TervisekassaLastekodu 48, 10113 Tallinn
to the Health BoardPaldiski mnt. 81, 10617 Tallinn

Contact form

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Note! If you submit feedback on behalf of another person and it involves accessing and/or disclosing that person’s health information, please provide a power of attorney or written consent from that person with the feedback. To submit documents, please contact us at


Complete the application form to request personal information (including time of birth) and extracts of medical records.