You can get vaccinated against the flu at East Tallinn Central Hospital

Starting from 6 September, you can get vaccinated against the flu with the quadrivalent flu vaccine INFLUVAC TETRA at East Tallinn Central Hospital. This vaccine is suitable for everyone starting from six months of age, including pregnant women.
Vaccination takes place at the Tõnismäe Polyclinic (Hariduse 6) on Monday-Tuesday and Thursday-Friday and at the Magdaleena Outpatient Clinic (Pärnu mnt 104) on Wednesday. Pre-registration is required through the Digital Registration system or by calling +372 666 1900.
The cost of the flu vaccination is 16 euros.
Free vaccines for high-risk patients (age younger than 7 years or older than 60 years, or pregnant) will be available in October. If you choose to get vaccinated with a paid vaccine, there will be no refunds later.
Companies wishing to organise vaccination for their employees are asked to contact anna.mjasnikova [at] (anna[dot]mjasnikova[at]itk[dot]ee) or call +372 606 7751.
It is recommended to get vaccinated against the flu before the peak flu season in the fall (from October to December), but you can get vaccinated throughout the season. Immunity develops within two weeks after vaccination and lasts for up to a year.
If you have an acute infection with high fever or are experiencing symptoms of a respiratory illness, vaccination should be postponed until you recover.
Information leaflet for the INFLUVAC TETRA flu vaccine.