Gynaecology and Day Care Department
The gynaecologists working in the Gynaecology and Day Care Department of the Women's Clinic are all top specialists in their field. We operate on daily basis both laparoscopically and with an open approach as well. We have three operating rooms.
Thanks to long-term experience, high-tech equipment and the trust of our patients, we have achieved outstanding treatment results today.
Activities of the Gynaecology and Day Care Department:
gynaecologic oncology surgeries
breast surgery in the case of benign or malignant tumours, with immediate breast reconstruction if necessary
surgery correcting pelvic floor dysfunction with patient's own tissues or with a mesh
fallopian tube and ovary surgery
surgical removal of uterus
correction of uterine scar niche after caesarean section
removal of myoma nodes
laparoscopic surgery
plastic surgery on external genitalia
surgery on external genitals in the case of benign diseases
hysteroscopic surgery
laparoscopic examination of small pelvic organs in the case of infertility
laparoscopic sterilisation by removal or dissection of fallopian tubes
surgery for urinary incontinence (stress incontinence)
Gynaecology and Day Care Department
Head of Department Ele Tammemäe, tel. 5362 7551,
Gynaecologic Oncologist Reeli Saaron, tel. 5380 7665,
Head of Nursing Hälis Grünberg, tel. 620 7166,
Secretary Diana Luhtoja, tel. 58 870 833,