Outpatient appointment with an oncologist
This is a service in which an oncologist diagnoses, treats, monitors and consults patients with a malignant tumour.
The oncologist mainly arranges systematic treatment of the tumour using chemotherapy or combinations with other medication groups: targeted therapy, hormone therapy, immunotherapy.
A referral from your family physician or specialist physician is needed to book an appointment.
Appointments can be booked:
- Health Portal https://www.terviseportaal.ee/en/
- by phone 666 1900 Mon-Fri 7:30-18:00
- at the reception
Read more about coming for a medical specialist appointment.
Oncologists see patients at the Magdaleena unit of the East Tallinn Central Hospital, Kurssaare Hospital and Järvamaa Hospital. Rohkem infot vähiravi kohta meie haiglas loe vähiravilehelt.