
Vaccination against influenza


It is possible to get vaccinated against influenza at the East Tallinn Central Hospital. We offer vaccination with the quadrivalent flu vaccine VaxigripTETRA, which is suitable for everyone from 6 months of age (including pregnant women).

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Vaccination against influenza is possible throughout the season, but the most reliable protection is provided by vaccination before the peak period of illness (October–December). Immunity develops within two weeks of vaccination.

You must book an appointment for vaccination via or by calling 666 1900. The cost of the influenza vaccination is EUR 18.

Vaccination should be postponed and recovery awaited if you have an acute infection with a high fever or are experiencing symptoms of respiratory illness.

If interested, we also offer on-site flu vaccination (20 or more people). Please contact anna.mjasnikova [at] (anna[dot]mjasnikova[at]itk[dot]ee) or call 606 7751. The price of on-site influenza vaccination is EUR 20.

A free flu vaccine for women over 60 years of age, pregnant women, children up to 7 years of age, and minors at risk of influenza, is due to arrive in the second half of October.