
Tarmo Bakler takes up post as new Chairman of Board of East Tallinn Central Hospital

Tarmo Bakler Ida-Tallinna Keskhaigla juhatuse esimees

As of Monday 16 August, 2021 Tarmo Bakler is the new Chairman of Board of East Tallinn Central Hospital. He was appointed to the post by the supervisory board of the hospital on 2 July, having spent the last 18 years in charge of Ida-Viru Central Hospital.

Bakler says that East Tallinn Central Hospital will continue to follow its core values: offering patients the best possible treatment and taking a personal approach to medicine and hospital care. “We’ll undoubtedly be taking a number of new approaches in the coming years as well,” he added. “One is making the most of the knowledge our clinical specialists and the heads of support services have in the planning of Tallinn’s new hospital. Another is pursuing closer and more effective cooperation with West Tallinn Central Hospital. Taking all of that into account on top of the ongoing impact COVID is having on the medical system, the next few years are likely to bring with them a lot of changes.”

Bakler graduated from the University of Tartu with a degree in economic cybernetics. In addition to his many years overseeing the running of Ida-Viru Central Hospital, he had a hand in drafting the hospital network development plan of the Ministry of Social Affairs and previously worked as the head of the Estonian Seamen’s Polyclinic.

East Tallinn Central Hospital is one of the biggest hospitals in Estonia, with almost 2600 members of staff.