
Dr Inga Kalju appointed as head of Neurology Centre

ITK neuroloogiakeskuse juhataja dr Inga Kalju

Taking up the post of director of the Neurology Centre at East Tallinn Central Hospital on 1 September will be Dr Inga Kalju. Dr Kalju joined the hospital in 2015 as a resident before becoming a neurologist in 2018.

“My time here at the hospital has been wonderful,” Dr Kalju said. “You honestly won’t find a team as great as ours anywhere else. Most of us are young, enthusiastic and really love what we do, and the ambitious ideas we come up with are backed by our older and more experienced colleagues. Managing a team like that is a real pleasure, and indeed a real honour.”

Dr Kalju will be assuming the post upon the departure of Dr Toomas Toomsoo, who has been leading the Neurology Centre since 2005. “It’s thanks to Dr Toomsoo that our centre is as good as it is,” Dr Kalju said. “We’ll be doing everything we can not only to ensure that it stays that way, but to become the best centre of neurology in Estonia. With the changeover and one of our doctors leaving us, the months ahead are likely to be a bit complicated for us. So our goal for the short term is first and foremost to redistribute and even out our workload so that everyone remains as happy to be working here as they are at the moment.”

Dr Kai Sukles, the head of the Clinic of Internal Medicine at the hospital, is pleased that the Neurology Centre will be led by one of its own. “Dr Kalju’s new role comes with a lot of responsibility, so I wish her every success in it,” she said. “I’d also like to thank Dr Toomsoo for the amazing work he’s done for the centre over the years, building up its team and fostering the next generation of first-rate specialists.”