
City of Tallinn recognises Dr Ilmi Reinmaa and midwife Annaliisa Kruutmann


On 7 December, the City of Tallinn and the Social Welfare and Health Care Department of Tallinn recognised the most outstanding healthcare professionals of 2021. Consulting pathologist Dr Ilmi Reinmaa and Head of Midwifery at the Department of antenatal care Annaliisa Kruutmann received the award from East Tallinn Central Hospital.

Reinmaa Kruutmann

On 7 December, the City of Tallinn and the Social Welfare and Health Care Department of Tallinn recognised the most outstanding healthcare professionals of 2021. Consulting pathologist Dr Ilmi Reinmaa and Head of Midwifery at the Department of antenatal care Annaliisa Kruutmann received the award from East Tallinn Central Hospital.

“Society has been grappling with the coronavirus crisis for nearly two years now, but it has taken a particularly heavy toll on our health system, which has had to face extraordinary challenges,”says Deputy Mayor for Social Welfare and Healthcare Betina Beškina, speaking at the ceremony in Tallinn Town Hall. “At times, doctors and nurses have had to push themselves to the limit to care for those in need and save lives. And despite everything, they manage to remain compassionate, helpful, supportive and friendly and continue to do their jobs with genuine dedication. At the same time, people still need help with other health problems. I offer my sincere thanks and deep appreciation to all healthcare professionals – both those who have fought coronavirus on the frontline and those who do their everyday work to benefit the health of their patients.”

This year, 17 healthcare professionals with prominent professionalism and human values were nominated for recognition. Doctors and nurses were singled out for their exceptional diligence, knowledge, kindness and empathy. Emphasis was placed on their continuous self-improvement, professional knowledge and openness to innovation as well as their contribution to mentoring colleagues and students. The invaluable contribution of healthcare professionals in the management of the pandemic, whether in hospitals, family medicine centres or elsewhere, was also highlighted. Their ability to offer support and a sense of security to those in need, even in the most difficult of situations, was seen as a great asset.

A letter of appreciation for outstanding work in health care went to Ere Vasli and Viktoria Surgai (SA Tallinna Lastehaigla [Tallinn Children’s Hospital]), Nailja Idrissova and Kai Lauter (SA Tallinna Hambakliinik [Tallinn Dental Clinic]), Helju-Reet Sepp and Piret Kleemann (SA Põhja-Eesti Regionaalhaigla [North Estonia Medical Centre]), Vladimir Borissov and Zoja Petermann (AS Lääne-Tallinna Keskhaigla [West Tallinn Central Hospital]), Ilmi Reinmaa and Annaliisa Kruutmann (AS Ida-Tallinna Keskhaigla [East Tallinn Central Hospital]), Elmira Mamedova and Natalia Pozner (OÜ Tallinna Perearstikeskus [Tallinn Family Medicine Centre]), Žanna Abel (Tallinn Emergency Medical Service), Terje Salu (OÜ Koduõde), Triin Perkson (Jürgenson Family Medicine Centre), Svetlana Lorvi-Talisainen (SA Tallinna Koolitervishoid [Tallinn School Health]) and Anni Hanst (Kivimäe Family Medicine Centre).