
57 trainees started working at our hospital


The trainees include nurses, physiotherapists, massage therapists, bio-analysts, radiology technicians, a pharmacist and a speech therapist. The students come from the Tallinn and Tartu Health Care College, the University of Tartu and the Estonian Massage and Therapy School.

Praktikandid ITKs 06.02.2023

The traineeship includes both first year as well as students from later years. Just over half of them are on their first traineeship at East Tallinn Central Hospital, while the others have previous experience as employees or trainees.

During the briefing, the trainees were welcomed by Ülle Rohi, member of the Board of Directors and Head of Nursing, Anni Tedremaa, Residency and Traineeship Coordinator, who spoke about the traineeship and work organisation at our hospital, and Kätlin Pallo, Head of Nursing at the Department of Surgery, reminded the trainees of the Best Practice of working at the hospital.

The trainees gave their feedback on what is important in a traineeship (good supervisor, support, cooperation) and what is the ideal supervisor (supportive, friendly, patient).