Satisfaction surveys
Patient satisfaction reflects the quality of services provided by a healthcare institution. Analysis of satisfaction surveys provides valuable feedback on the work hospitals do and will help further improve patient satisfaction with the services provided and the culture of communication between patients and healthcare professionals.
East Tallinn Central Hospital has conducted annual satisfaction surveys since 2004 (except in 2020). Surveys alternate between inpatient departments and outpatient rooms. The survey is open to all patients who have been hospitalised or been to an outpatient appointment. Taking the survey is voluntary. All responses are anonymous, i.e. individual answers are not highlighted and data are used in generalised terms. The satisfaction survey is available in Estonian as well as Russian.
Send a letter to if you wish to examine previous surveys.
A big thank you to everyone who has taken part in the satisfaction survey!
You can also give feedback on our day-to-day work online. We welcome any feedback.
Satisfaction surveys for outpatients and inpatients (in Estonian)